Audit and Assurance

As a leader running an organization, juggling multiple responsibilities can be exhausting. Adding in the requirement for audit and assurance services can feel overwhelming. However, you can turn this necessity into a valuable tool for your organization with the right mindset and advisor.

For more than 30 years, KBS has provided peace of mind to organizations in various industries, including construction, government, nonprofit, and healthcare. Our audit and assurance services include the following:

Audits, reviews, compilations

Financial statement review and analysis

Agreed-Upon procedures

Yellow book
Employee Benefit Plan Audits: 401k, 403b, pension, retirement plans
Single Audits
Housing Urban Development (HUD) Audits
Assistance with implementation of new accounting standards

Turn Your Audit Into a Constructive and Impactful Experience.

Your organization may require an audit for various reasons, such as funding applications, investor searches, and sales preparation. When choosing a firm to conduct your audit, it’s vital to consider the benefits of working with a team that can transform your compliance necessity into a valuable experience. Our unique approach and service philosophy can turn your audit into a constructive and impactful experience.



We pride ourselves on staying informed about legislative changes. We can explain your options and help you develop a customized plan by consulting with you before these changes occur.



Did you know that KBS offers remote audits? It’s true! Depending on your work complexity, we have the process and technology to complete your audit without being onsite.


At KBS, we understand the importance of meeting deadlines. We take them seriously and strive to turn work around promptly. Unlike other audit firms that let engagements linger for extended periods, we prioritize timely and effective execution.


Effective communication is vital to a successful audit. For this reason, we have established a standardized communication protocol that begins well before the audit commences. We aim to optimize our efficiency by identifying your preferred method of communication and outlining the necessary materials to have available when we arrive onsite.

Q&A with Robin Barnett, CPA

What is one thing that KBS brings to the table that you can’t find elsewhere?

I began my journey at KBS as the Director of Quality Control, serving in this role for nearly 10 years. During my tenure, I committed myself to keeping abreast of emerging trends, legislative updates, and accounting standards. Today, as a Shareholder at KBS, I leverage that invaluable experience to stay ahead of the curve and remain efficient. I have a keen eye for monitoring industry requirements and an extensive network of reliable sources of information, which ensures that our clients are always kept informed of any developments that could affect them. Our clients are in good hands.